To keep your business up and running, you have to keep an eye on your financial reports. One of the most important reports to spend your attention is the Retrospective Reports for Accounts Receivable called “Accounts Receivable Analysis Reports”. If you want to review all your past financials and check the totals for your financial for the previous years, you may use the Accounts Receivable Reports. Balancing accounts receivable against your cash flow is crucial in order to sustain business operations. A very high accounts receivable will keep you out of the loop, while low account receivables will give you no profit either. Connected Business brings you a series of financial reports that will help you analyze the overall status of your business financial health. To start off, we present you the Accounts Receivable Analysis Report.
The Accounts Receivable Analysis Report in Connected Business contains a summary of information on how much your customers owe your business for a specific period and is generally categorized into currency codes (if you are selling in multiple currencies). You can also view the outstanding balances owed by individual customers from all transaction types which include credit memo, refunds, sales invoices, receipts, voided receipts and more.
View the A/R Analysis Report
This report can be easily accessed through the Report Center menu of any modules in Connected Business. On the Report Explorer pane, click on Reports ► System Reports ► Accounting ► Retrospective Analysis.
Set the Filter Criteria on A/R Analysis Report
Suppose you want to view a detailed record on the receivables within a specific period, click on Print > Print Dialog button from the menu options. On the Filter Criteria section, click the
button to add a new condition. Select the Period Code or Period Description on the dropdown list. Note: Make sure to press [Enter] key after setting the criteria.

Click Image to Enlarge
Print the A/R Analysis Report
After setting the filter criteria, you may now print the file. Select the way you want to print the file such as print to file, preview, print, fax or email. The Print to File option allows you to convert the report into the desired file format. This includes pdf, excel, image, txt, rtf, csv, html and .mht.
The snapshot below is a sample A/R Analysis report for all transaction types in a filtered specific period.

Click Image to Enlarge
To know more about this topic, kindly refer to our online documentation about Account Receivable Analysis Report.
Visit the online documentation to know more about A/R Analysis Report.