Connected Business 25.0.9158
Upgrade Considerations:
Important Reminders: The Auto update will not overwrite the installation folder for CBE instead it will create a folder "CBEUpdate" that contains the update/changes for CBE that can manually be applied to your CBE or web folder. Before upgrading, please back up the database and all server components, including website folders. The web services component (Internet Connection) is no longer supported and was removed from this version.
- Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Minimum Requirement from Installer
- ERP Web Services have been removed from this release. Please use a VPN instead (with our cloud client edition).
- If You Had A Third-Party Developer Create A Custom ERP Plug-in For You In Version 19 Or Earlier, You Will Need To Have Them Re-Compile it In Version 20-23 SD
- New OAuth 2.0. UPS and FedEx have implemented an OAuth security model for all APIs to enhance overall security, reduce fraud, and provide enhanced API capabilities. OAuth replaces access keys with a client ID and client secret for authentication. Check the Knowledge base article on obtaining UPS and FedEx Client IDs and Secret Key.
For those upgrading from version 19 and below and made customizations for the following forms:
- Sale Quote
- Sales Order
- Invoice
- Credit Memo
- Purchase Order
- Purchase Requisition
- Goods Received
You will need to re-arrange the layout of your customizations for them to operate properly.
The New Installer can be downloaded in the support portal downloads section or you may click on the link and login into your account to continue to download the installer. For CB23 and higher version clients, updates will automatically show in the DBMC.
New Features and Key Benefits
Integrate Afterpay Payment Gateway in Checkout. It is a global payment method that allows customers to split purchases into 4 interest-free installments or longer-term interest-bearing monthly installments (US only).
Integrate HCaptcha. It helps prevent bots, spam, and abuse by asking simple questions that are easy for humans and difficult for machines.
Allow Renaming of Web Manager folder, enhancing security by making it less predictable to potential attackers.
Added "Failed Transaction Count" to log declined credit card authorization and reset the customer's failed transaction count
- Support the New OAuth 2.0. UPS and FedEx have implemented an OAuth security model for all APIs to enhance overall security, reduce fraud, and provide enhanced API capabilities. OAuth replaces access keys with a client ID and client secret for authentication. Check the Knowledge base article on obtaining UPS and FedEx Client ID and Secret Key.
The following security enhancements in this release protect the credit card transactions when placing an order in CBE (Connected Business Ecommerce).
1. Enhanced upload handler security
2. Updated Packages ff. to the latest version
- LiteDB 4.1.4 to 5.0.21
- Bootstrap 4.4.1 to 5.3.3
- jQuery 3.4.1 to 3.7.1
- jQuery UI 1.11.1 to 1.14.0
- Update Content Builder
- Updated 108 vulnerable npm packages
3. Removed Obsolete Packages and Dependencies
ServiceStack 5.1
jQuery Migrate 3.0.0
4. Integrate HCaptcha. It helps prevent bots, spam, and abuse by asking simple questions that are easy for humans and difficult for machines.
- Auto Printing customer's invoice is sent to another customer's email
- TaxJar Connector has an issue with uploading to the TaxJar Portal
- Data Verifier Execution Issue
- Could not add to cart when assigning a new anonymous customer to a website/webstore
- Remove Paypal payment option visibility dependency on Credit Card payment term
- eCommerce Setup option not working: PasswordIsOptionalDuringCheckout = true
- The Credit Card Number and Card Expiration Date info are wrong using the Afterpay payment gateway
- The Address Verification pop-up form is not displaying properly the suggested address
- Kit Items are not showing/displaying properly on the website
- Web Manager QuickStart Learn Option Does not Work
- Customer Contact State Not Saved when created in the shopping cart
- The view Product Details window in the Payment Page is not showing properly
- Multi Image is not showing properly for Matrix Group Xml Package product.matrix.swatch.xml.config
- Bulk Delete Matrix Item Images is not working
- Fixes some alignment and design issues related to displaying the Items
- Page not found for Warranty Topic, created a new topic for Warranty Page
- Change the default value for ecommerce appconfig ErrorNotification to Blank
- Unable to process credit card refund when voiding posted Sales Invoice
- Creating Credit Memo Cashing Issue - Calculate Tax button is not showing
- RMA still calculates system tax when using Taxjar
- Creating a New Sales Quote Caching issue
- Some receipts are not posted and have zero value
- FedEx Shipping Rates show Zero Total for both Production and Test Account
- Activity Menu is missing in the CRM Module
- Error in selecting a category when creating a Coupon due to more than 32 characters in Category Code
The New Installer can be downloaded in the support portal downloads section or you may click on the link and login into your account to continue to download the installer.
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