Recredit Account for Endicia

You may now purchase Endicia postage stamps directly through Connected Business' Shipping module. Using The Endicia Account Settings, this will allow you to change pass phrase, view postage details and purchase postage stamps all of these and more in a single place in Connected Business.

Follow the steps below on how to purchase stamps from Endicia within Connected Business.

  1. From the Shipping module, click Setup ► Endicia Account Preference. The Endicia Buy Postage Wizard will display. ClickNext to continue. 

    If you don’t have yet an Endicia account, you need to create one to be able to open an Endicia Account through Connected Business.

  2. On the Endicia Account page, enter the information on the following fields:

    Field Name Description
    Account Number Enter your Endicia account number.
    Pass Phrase Enter the pass phrase provided by Endicia.
    Make Pass Phrase Visible Checkbox When checked, your pass phrase will be visible.
    Remember Account Number and Pass Phrase Users do not need to retype account number and pass phrase if remember pass phrase is checked. Users may decide to uncheck remember pass phrase and close the form to leave the textboxes blank.
    Login button Allows you to Login to your Endicia account.
    Change Pass Phrase button Allows you to change pass phrase for your Endicia account.

    Click Image to Enlarge

  3. Click on the Login button to open your Endicia account. A prompt will appear if you have successfully logged in. Click Next to continue.
  4. On the Postage Details page, you may now add postage to your account. 

    USPS Server URL Value
    Account Postage Balance The postage balance on your Endicia account.
    Postage to Add Indicate the amount of postage stamps you want to buy.
    Status Indicates the status of your Endicia account.
    Response Message The system’s response after buying postage stamps for your account.
  5. After adding the amount on the Postage to Add field, click on the Buy Postage button. If you have successfully bought postage stamps, click Next to continue.

    Click Image to Enlarge

  6. Click Finish button to complete the Endicia Buy Postage wizard.

For more information on this topic, please refer to the online documentation about how to Purchase Endicia Postage Credits.

Thanks for taking the time to read this blog post!

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