Skin tokens are short codes that can help you further customize your eCommerce site. We've written an introductory blog post on skin tokens, including information on which files to modify when adding the codes. For this topic, we are further breaking down the various types of skin tokens that are applicable for our most current product, Connected Business 15.
We've included images that display how the skin tokens are inserted into the template.ascx files, with the corresponding image showing how it will look like on a live site. You can transform your eCommerce site instantly by downloading one of our beautiful Skin Templates and applying it to your web site. You can then access the template file and insert the following tokens.
#1) (!COPYRIGHTYEARS!) – Automatically displays the current year as determined by your database. By using this code, you no longer have to manually modify your site's copyright information, every time a new year comes along.
#2) (!HELPBOX_CONTENTS!) – Renders only the contents of the help topic to the page – can be used as a custom HTML chunk for reusable contents.
You can add or modify content in your help box by going to Connected Business, opening the eCommerce module > Topics > Find Topics > Type "helpbox" to the search field.
You can then edit the content on the Details field, which supports and link and other basic HTML formatting.
#3) (!NEWS_SUMMARY!) - Displays a list of current news with links to the news pages. News pages are created by going the Connected Business eCommerce module > News > New News.
#4) (!ADVANCED_CATEGORY_BROWSE_BOX!) - Renders a styled table with a list of the categories. The categories are controlled by the Inventory module. This token will soon be deprecated in favor of XmlPackages.
#5) (!ADVANCED_MANUFACTURER_BROWSE_BOX!) - Renders a styled table with a list of the manufacturers. The list of manufacturers and their associated products is controlled by the Inventory and Supplier modules. This will soon be deprecated in favor of XmlPackages.
#6) (!POLL!) - Displays polls that have been created through the admin site. You can create a new poll by going to Connected Business eCommerce module > Polls > New Polls. If more than one poll have been created, the (!POLL!) token will randomly display different polls every time you load or refresh a page.